Beauty of Red And Green Leaf Plants For Your Indoor Garden

Anthony Phillip Written By:
Anthony Phillip
Vanessa Calas Edited By:
Vanessa Calas
red and green leaf plant

Struggling to brighten up your indoor space? You’re not alone. A list of 45 stunning plants with red and variegated leaves offers a solution. This article will guide you through selecting and caring for these vibrant additions.

Ready to transform your home with red and green leaf plant?

Popular Plants with Red and Green Leaves for Indoor Gardens

house plant with red leaves

Indoor gardens light up with plants that show off red and green leaves. These beauties, like the Philodendron ‘Imperial Red’ and Burgundy Rubber Tree, add a dash of color and life to any room.

Philodendron ‘Imperial Red’

Philodendron ‘Imperial Red’ stands out with its unique leaves. They start as bright red when young. As they grow, the leaves turn into dark glossy green like Silver Sword Philodendron. This plant loves moist soil and bright, indirect light.

It feels right at home in warm spots.

I’ve kept an ‘Imperial Red’ in my living room for over a year now. Its deep red leaves add a cozy feel to any room. Keeping the soil damp and placing it where sunlight gently hits has helped mine thrive beautifully.

Next up is the Burgundy Rubber Tree, another stunning choice for your indoor garden.

Burgundy Rubber Tree

Moving from the vibrant hues of the Philodendron ‘Imperial Red’, we encounter another stunning plant: the Burgundy Rubber Tree. This plant boasts thick, glossy leaves that instantly catch the eye.

The colors range from dark green to deep burgundy red, often with striking red veins running through them. It’s a dramatic choice for any indoor garden and easily stands out among other houseplants.

I have a Burgundy Rubber Tree sitting right in my living room. Its rich, moody tones add an elegant touch to the space. Caring for it has been a rewarding experience as well, it loves indirect light and doesn’t demand too much water, making it relatively easy to maintain.

Watching its dark leaves shine under natural sunlight is nothing short of spectacular, truly enhancing my home’s decor while purifying the air.

Red King Aglaonema

Switching from the elegant Burgundy Rubber Tree, we find ourselves admiring the Red King Aglaonema. This plant is a stunner with its large, glossy leaves that show off a mix of deep green and red hues.

As it grows, you can watch its leaves turn almost completely red. I’ve had one in my living room for years, and it’s always a conversation starter due to its beautiful blend of colors.

The Red King Aglaonema grows slowly but surely. It’s perfect for those indoor spots where other plants might not thrive because of low light. From personal experience, this plant doesn’t ask for much, just some love and occasional water.

Tradescantia Nanouk

Tradescantia Nanouk caught my eye in a small garden shop last year. Its leaves are a mix of green, pink, and purple, making it stand out among other plants. I learned that this plant loves light but not direct sun all day.

It likes its soil to stay a bit moist but hates having wet feet from too much water.

This colorful houseplant grows fast and trails over the edge of pots beautifully. The pointed, striped leaves have made it one of my favorites for adding color indoors. Everyone notices it when they visit because its bright foliage lights up the room.

Taking care of Tradescantia Nanouk has been easy once I got the hang of watering just right.

Triostar Stromanthe

Triostar Stromanthe lights up any indoor garden with its showy leaves. Its native roots in Brazil’s jungles give it a unique look, with pointed green leaves that boast cream, pink splashes on top, and stunning bright burgundy undersides.

As part of the prayer plant family, this tropical beauty shares kinship with Calathea and Maranta, making it quite the standout in your collection.

Having one myself, I’ve noticed it doesn’t bloom indoors but doesn’t need to, the variegated red leaves are eye-catching enough. It turns any spot into a lively display of colors.

Plus, caring for it brings me closer to nurturing a piece of the tropics right at home. Its blend of white, pink shades against deep greens makes every glance feel like discovering it anew.

Benefits of Adding Red and Green Leaf Plants to Your Indoor Garden

indoor plant with red and green leaves

Adding red and green leaf plant brings a cheerful, holiday feel all year round. They make any room look brighter and more inviting.

Festive ambiance

Red and green leaf plants make your indoor garden feel like a holiday all year round. Think of how poinsettias light up a room during Christmas. They bring that same warm, festive vibe to any space.

These plants are not just pretty; they’re like natural decorations that keep the spirit alive whether it’s December or July.

Improved décor

Red and green leaf plants bring a fresh touch to your home. They make rooms look more alive. Picture dark green leaves with bright red touches on a table or shelf. It’s like having a piece of nature inside.

These plants can fit any style, from modern to rustic.

They also help fill empty spaces in creative ways. Think about hanging pots with trailing red and green vines. Or using tall plants as natural room dividers. Next, we’ll explore how these plants clean the air around us.

Air purifying properties

Red and green leaf plants are great for cleaning the air inside your home. They pull out bad stuff like formaldehyde from the air you breathe. This means these plants not only look good but also make your indoor air cleaner and safer.

Studies, including those by NASA, have shown that having plants indoors can really help get rid of harmful chemicals.

These low-maintenance plants don’t just add beauty with their leaves; they’re hard at work too. By picking up toxins from the air, they lower the chances of health problems related to poor air quality.

So, adding a tropical plant or a red polka dot plant to your room does more than just brighten it up, it makes it healthier to live in!

Top 10 Indoor Plants with Red Leaves

plants with red and green leaves

Looking for plants to brighten up your space with shades of red? Here are the top 10 indoor plants that flaunt stunning red leaves, perfect for adding a pop of color.

Coleus Wizard Scarlet

Coleus Wizard Scarlet stands out with its bright scarlet leaves that catch the eye. These leaves have unique lemon yellow edges, making them a beautiful addition to any indoor garden.

The serrated, pointy shape adds an interesting texture among other houseplants. This plant loves both partial shade and sun, growing up to 12 inches tall. It’s perfect for beginners because it’s so easy to take care of.

From my own experience, this plant adapts well to different light conditions inside the home. Whether near a sunny window or in a dimmer corner, the Coleus Wizard Scarlet keeps its vivid colors vibrant.

Begonia Barkos Baladin

Begonia Barkos Baladin stands out with its green leaves that have red veins. It’s a beautiful plant known for this red touch. From mid spring to mid fall, it blooms small, red flowers that look like orchids.

These flowers grow at the ends of its stems and add extra beauty. This plant is not just about looks; it is also famous for bringing a pop of color indoors.

This begonia variety does well inside, where its unique leaf pattern can liven up any room. Its care includes finding spots with good light but not direct sun all day long. The mix of deep green and bright red makes Begonia Barkos Baladin a must-have for people who love plants with colorful foliage.

Codiaeum Variegatum (Mammy Red/Croton)

Moving from the allure of Begonia Barkos Baladin, we reach another stunning choice for your indoor garden—Codiaeum Variegatum (Mammy Red/Croton). This plant is like a burst of fireworks with its leaves.

It shows off green, scarlet, orange, and yellow colors all mixed together. The Mammy Croton stands out because its leaves twist and turn as they grow. They come in many colors including yellow, red, orange, purple, and green.

Mammy Croton adds a bold look to any room. Its leathery leaves are strong and hold their color well. To keep this plant looking beautiful, it needs mist on its leaves often. This keeps the colors bright and the plant happy indoors or outside in warm places.

Philodendron Imperial Red

Philodendron Imperial Red stands out with its lush, leathery leaves. These leaves change from dark red to rich burgundy as they grow. It’s part of the Araceae family, known for their stunning aroids.

The plant’s beauty comes from its leaves that shift from deep burgundy to glossy dark green over time. Unlike the Red Congo Philodendron, Imperial Red shows off reddish leaves that darken as it matures.

This semi-self-heading type has sunken lateral veins, making it unique.

Taking care of Philodendron Imperial Red helps keep its red and green foliage healthy and vibrant. Proper light, humidity levels, watering, and fertilization are key to this plant’s success indoors.

Begonia Maculata

Begonia Maculata, often called Polka Dot Begonia, is a charming plant for anyone’s indoor garden. It boasts bright green leaves decorated with silver dots. The undersides of the leaves are a beautiful reddish-purple, adding a splash of color and interest.

This unique plant also features rich green, wing-shaped leaves that catch the eye. Its oval-shaped leaves with deep red undersides make it a stunning addition to any space, showing off shades of green and red beautifully.

Mangave Red Wing

Mangave Red Wing is a striking plant that catches your eye. Its large rosette of deep red leaves makes it stand out in any indoor garden. This unique plant is a mix between manfreda and agave plants, showing off its beauty with mottled red to purple leaves.

I noticed that when placed under full sun, its leaves glow with a vibrant carnation red color. As part of the MAD ABOUT MANGAVE® Collection, created by Hans Hansen, this plant showcases slightly folded upward foliage, curving gracefully towards the ground.

Caring for Mangave Red Wing has been easier than I expected. Watching those beautiful dark leaves change hues from red to deeper shades depending on the sunlight is quite fascinating.

It brings an exotic touch to my collection without needing too much fuss over it, just enough light and some water keep it happy. The elegance and dramatic presence this plant adds are unbeatable; seeing those curved leaves sprawl elegantly really highlights nature’s artistry right at home.

Codiaeum Variegatum (Croton)

Codiaeum variegatum, or Croton, adds a splash of color with its leaves that show green, scarlet, orange, and yellow. This plant is perfect for bringing brightness inside. You can also use it outdoors in warm places like USDA Zones 11 and 12.

Crotons are known for their eye-catching leaves. They come in many shapes and hundreds of types.

Crotons love humidity. Mist their leaves every day to keep them happy and healthy. These plants stand out because they have so many colors on one leaf, earning the name Joseph’s coat.

Whether inside or outside, Codiaeum variegatum makes spaces lively with its bold foliage.

Bromeliad Guzmania

Bromeliad Guzmania stands out with its large, star-shaped bloom that captures attention. It features a bright red bract tipped in white, making it an eye-catching houseplant all year.

As a member of the Bromeliaceae family, this tropical plant thrives indoors, adjusting well to home environments. Its broad, flat yellow-green leaves support a spike where the flower emerges, red at the end with white blossoms.

Related to pineapples, Guzmania showcases sword-like leaves often striped, topped with exotic blooms that bring a touch of the tropics indoors.

Caring for Bromeliad Guzmania involves simple steps to keep it flourishing. Provide ample light but shield it from direct sun to avoid leaf burn. Regular watering maintains moisture without making the soil too wet; always check that excess water drains well.

With their unique look and easy care routine, these plants add beauty and vitality to any indoor space they occupy.

Sedum Rubrotinctum Aurora

Moving from the unique charm of Bromeliad Guzmania, Sedum Rubrotinctum Aurora offers a different delight for indoor gardens. Known as the Pink Jelly Bean plant, this succulent has fat leaves that look like jelly beans.

These leaves shine in colors from silvery green to white and even bright pink or apricot. It’s not only easy to care for but also safe around pets.

This plant adds fun with its colorful appearance, perfect for both beginners and seasoned gardeners. It thrives in succulent bowls and open terrariums, bringing playful vibes to any space.

The leaves change from deep green to red with more sun or cold, making it lively decoration all year round.

Phalaenopsis Scarlett Jubilee

Phalaenopsis Scarlett Jubilee is a beautiful type of orchid. It has dark green, elongated leaves that add elegance to any room. This plant blooms with stunning flowers, making it a top pick for indoor gardens.

Its unique looks and easy care make it popular among plant lovers.

Caring for the Phalaenopsis Scarlett Jubilee isn’t hard. It needs light but not direct sunlight, and likes humid air. Keeping its soil moist but not wet helps it thrive. With a bit of attention, this orchid brings beauty and color inside homes all year long.

How to Care for Indoor Plants with Red and Green Leaves

care plants with red leaves

Caring for indoor plants with red and green leaves means paying attention to their light needs, they love bright, indirect light. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and remember, a bit of humidity makes them happy!

Providing proper light

Plants with red and green leaves need bright, indirect light to grow well. This helps them turn oxygen and water into energy. You must place these plants where they can get enough light without direct sun that could harm their leaves.

Bright spots near windows work great but avoid too much hot sun.

Change the spot of your plant if it starts looking weak or its colors fade. Sometimes, just moving a plant a bit closer to or further from a window makes all the difference. Remember, each plant likes different amounts of light, so watching how they react in their spot is key to keeping them happy and healthy.

Maintaining humidity levels

Keeping the right amount of moisture in the air is key for healthy indoor plants, especially those with red and green leaves. Houseplants like Philodendron Imperial Red do well when humidity stays between 60% and 80%.

But achieving this can be tough, especially during dry winter months. A humidifier can be a big help here. It adds moisture to the air and helps keep your plants happy without having to mist them all the time, which really doesn’t work that well anyway.

Using a humidifier isn’t just good for your plants; it makes caring for them easier on you, too. You won’t have to worry about misting them several times a day or dealing with dry air harming their growth.

Just set up the humidifier, and let it do its thing, keeping both your red leaf houseplants and you breathing smoother.

Regular watering and fertilization

Watering and feeding your indoor plants with red and green leaves is key to keeping them healthy. I’ve found that giving them water regularly, but not too much, keeps the leaves bright and vibrant.

Once, I noticed yellowing on some of my plant’s leaves. It was a sign I was overdoing it with water. Adjusting how much water I gave them fixed this quickly.

Fertilizing these plants every two weeks has made a big difference too. Their colors seem more intense now. During their growing season, some of my plants with red variegation need food once a month instead.

This little change has helped keep all my indoor plants looking great year-round.

Final Thoughts: The Beauty and Benefits of Red and Green Leaf Plants for Your Indoor Garden.

Beauty and Benefits of Red and Green Leaf Plants

Red and green leaf plants bring life to your indoor garden. They add a special touch of color and beauty. Caring for these plants makes your space more lively. Enjoy the fresh look they offer all year long.

Their unique colors can make any room feel warmer and more welcoming.


Red and green leaf plants bring a touch of nature inside, making rooms feel fresh and alive. They purify the air while adding a festive look all year round. Caring for them brings joy and a sense of peace to any indoor space.

Choose your favorites, give them love and watch your indoor garden grow into something beautiful. It’s simple – these plants transform homes with their lively colors and easy care.


1. What makes plants with red and green leaves special for indoor gardens?

Plants with red and green leaves add a pop of color, creating a vibrant look in your space. Their unique shades of red, from deep to bright, contrast beautifully against the green, making them stand out.

2. Can you name a few plants that have both red and green leaves?

Sure! The Nerve Plant has lovely heart-shaped leaves marked in red, while the Red Flash Caladium boasts large, arrow-shaped leaves with striking red veins. Don’t forget the Ti Plant; its lance-shaped leaves feature gorgeous shades of pink and red.

3. How do I care for my plant with red leaves to keep it looking vibrant?

Proper care is key, ensure your plant gets enough light but avoid direct sunlight that can fade its colors. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and provide some humidity if you can. These steps help maintain their stunning colors.

4. Are there any low-maintenance houseplants with reddish foliage I could start with?

Absolutely! The Hippo Red Polka Dot Plant is relatively easy to care for and adds a playful touch with its polka-dotted foliage. Another great choice is the Emerald Ripple Peperomia; it’s low-maintenance yet visually striking.

5. Do these colorful plants need special soil or fertilizer?

Not really special, but they do appreciate good-quality potting mix that drains well. Adding a bit of slow-release fertilizer during their growing season helps too!

6. My indoor garden doesn’t get much natural light. Are there any plants that will still thrive?

Yes! Plants like the Radiator Plant are perfect as they prefer indirect light… Its glossy green leaves with bright red undersides can definitely perk up shaded spots without needing much sun.

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