Does Square Footage Include Garage Space?

Anthony Phillip Written By:
Anthony Phillip
Vanessa Calas Edited By:
Vanessa Calas
Does Square Footage Include Garage

Shopping for a new home or selling one brings up the big question – does garage space factor into the overall square footage? It’s a common point of confusion: garages can be large spaces, but they’re not always part of the listed size.

Our guide dives deep into what counts and what doesn’t, ensuring you’ll never be left scratching your head over square feet again. Discover the ins and outs of how your property measures up.

Keep reading; clarity awaits!

Crucial Understandings

  • Garage space is not typically included in a home’s square footage because it isn’t finished living space.
  • Living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, closets, and staircases usually count in square footage calculations.
  • Basements and attics only count towards square footage if they’re finished and have heating or cooling like the main house does.
  • It’s important to measure the length and width of each room inside your home to calculate total square feet accurately; don’t include unfinished spaces like garages or porches.
  • If you want precise measurements for selling or legal reasons, consider hiring a professional who knows all about what counts as livable space.

What is the Square Footage of a House?

garage square footage is included

When we talk about the square footage of a house, we’re diving into the total area that serves as your living quarters—the numbers game where size does indeed matter. This figure is crucial; it influences everything from market value to how you’ll juggle furniture or decide if there’s room for that grand piano you’ve been dreaming of.

Definition and importance

Does Square Footage Include Garage? People care about this number because it helps them understand if the space is right for them. They also use square footage to figure out what a house might be worth.

The bigger the number, the more room you have. But when someone says “square footage,” they mean certain parts of the house only.

The rules say that living spaces like bedrooms and kitchens count in your total square feet. Finished areas under your roof count too, like an attic where people can hang out or a basement with carpets and walls all done.

This number gives buyers and sellers a clear picture of how much space there is to live in without getting mixed up about extra spots like garages or storage sheds that aren’t meant for hanging out daily.

What is Typically Included in Square Footage?

square footage encompasses the garage area

When deciphering the puzzle of a home’s square footage, think living spaces—those cozy corners where daily life unfolds—but hold that thought; there’s more to explore..

Living spaces

Living spaces are the heart of a home’s square footage. They include the kitchen, living room, dining room, and bedrooms. These rooms are where you spend most of your time. They’re used for cooking, eating, relaxing, and sleeping.

So they really add up in the total size of your house.

Closets to hold your clothes and hallways to walk through are part of this number too. Same with stairs inside the house that let you go up and down floors. All these areas count towards how big your home is said to be when we talk about space in square feet or meters.

Finished basement and attic

Having a finished basement or attic can make your home feel bigger. It gives you more room to play, work, or relax. These areas often have things like walls, floors, and lights that are done.

Yet they don’t count as the main square footage of your house. This rule is the same even if these spaces are very nice.

Your home’s size only includes places where you live all year round. That means basements and attics must have heating and cooling just like the rest of the house to be part of this number.

If they don’t have these things, sellers can’t say their homes are larger because of them. They only list them as extra space that could be useful for someone buying the house.

What is NOT Included in Square Footage?

Dive deep into the nuances of home measurements, where things like garages simply don’t make the cut – keep reading to demystify what truly counts toward those precious square feet.


Garages are big spaces where you park cars. They are not counted in the square footage of your house. This is because they are usually not finished like the other rooms where you live, sleep, and eat.

When you want to know how big your home is, only include places that are nice and cozy enough to use all the time.

Sometimes people fix up their garages to make them as nice as living rooms or kitchens. If a garage has walls, floors, heating, and cooling like the rest of the house, it might count in square footage.

But most times, when someone looks at your home to see how much it’s worth (like for an appraisal), they won’t add the garage size into this number. Garages don’t help with figuring out how big a place is for living – remember this if you plan to sell your house!

Unfinished spaces

Unfinished spaces are parts of a house that aren’t done yet. Think about places like garages, basements, or attics without the final touches. They don’t get counted in the square footage of living space.

This is because they’re not ready to be used like the rest of the home. These areas might have things like concrete floors, exposed beams, or no heating and cooling.

These spots often get called “bonus rooms.” Even though they might be big, you can’t add their size to your house’s total square footage number when talking about finished space. If you make these areas nice and livable later on, then maybe you can count them in your home’s square footage.

But until then, they stay off that list.

Other structures

Sheds, workshops, and any buildings not attached to your home usually don’t count in the square footage. Think about these as separate parts that stand on their own. So even if they’re big or close by, they won’t add to how big we say your house is.

When figuring out a home’s size, appraisers look mainly at places where you can live all year round.

If you have a barn or guest house on your property, those aren’t part of the main house’s square feet either. For what counts in the numbers for your home’s size, it’s like these structures are invisible.

They have their own use but when talking about space in houses—the main living areas are what matter most.

Clarifications on Gray Areas

Navigating the ins and outs of square footage can feel like tiptoeing through a minefield of exceptions—here’s where clarity becomes your best friend. We’ll demystify those puzzling spaces like stairwells and bathrooms, determining once and for all if they’re stepping stones or stumbling blocks to your total square footage count.

Stairwells and closets

Stairwells and closets often cause confusion when measuring a home’s square footage. They can be tricky because sometimes they’re included, and other times they’re not. But here’s the thing – most of the time, these spaces do add to the total square feet of your house.

Imagine you’re walking through your home; if an area is finished and heated like the rest of the space, it usually counts.

Still, don’t just assume these areas always contribute to the square footage. Appraisers look at them closely since each stairwell and closet can be different. It really depends on how much space they take up and whether that space can be used well.

Let’s say you’ve got a big walk-in closet or a landing in your stairwell with room for a chair; those could boost your numbers! Just remember, guidelines vary so check with local rules to make sure you’ve got it right.


Bathrooms can be tricky. Even if they’re in your house, some might not count towards the total square footage. For instance, let’s say you have a bathroom in your garage – this one usually doesn’t add to the size of your home when figuring out square feet.

So, only the bathrooms inside the main living area will likely bump up those numbers.

Good to know, right? This way, you won’t get mixed up if you see that your friend’s place is listed with more square feet even though it seems like yours has more room. It’s all about what spaces are included – and for bathrooms in garages, they’re not making the cut.

When you measure your home’s size or look at listings, check which baths are counted so everything adds up right!

How to Calculate Square Footage

Measuring your space, curious? Calculating square footage might seem like a numbers game, but don’t fret – it’s actually simpler than you might think. Whether grabbing that trusty tape measure for a DIY session or bringing in the pros for precision, we’ll explore how to secure that accurate square footage tally without falling into common pitfalls.

So let’s dive right in; after all, whether you’re looking to sell or just brag about your home’s size at dinner parties.. those numbers matter!

DIY methods

Calculating the square feet of your home is something you can do yourself. It’s a good way to know just how much space you have. Here’s how to get started:

  • Grab a measuring tape or a laser measure from the store.
  • Find the length and width of each room in your house where you live and sleep.
  • Multiply these two numbers together to get the area in square feet for each room.
  • Write down each room’s square footage on a piece of paper.
  • Add up all the room areas to find the total square footage of your house.
  • Make sure you don’t include any unfinished spaces like garages or utility rooms.

Hiring a professional

You don’t need to hire someone to figure out your home’s square footage. It’s a job you can do on your own with just a tape measure and some simple math. Just multiply the length by the width of each room, and then add all those numbers together for the whole house.

But keep in mind, professionals use tools and follow guidelines that make sure their numbers are very exact. This can help when selling your house, because it gives buyers trust in the size listed.

Some people might want an expert to do it though. An expert knows all about measuring houses and what counts as square feet or doesn’t count––like garages! They also know how to handle tricky spaces that are hard to measure right.

This could be good if there are any disagreements or if you need really accurate numbers for something important like a home appraisal or legal papers.

Potential discrepancies

Measuring a home’s size isn’t always clear-cut. Sometimes, people make honest mistakes when they add up the square footage. They might forget parts of the house or count spaces that shouldn’t be included.

Complex layouts can trip folks up too, making it tough to get the exact measurements right.

Even professionals don’t always agree on the size of a place. Public records might say one thing while an appraiser’s numbers say something else. These differences come from various ways to estimate and calculate square feet in total.

So, it’s smart to double-check where your numbers are coming from if you’re figuring out how large a home is, especially before you buy or sell one!


1. Does square footage include the garage?

Nope, a garage is not usually counted in the total square footage of your house. It’s like its own separate thing.

2. How do I find out how many square feet my house has?

To get the total square footage, you measure all the living spaces inside your home but skip the garage space since it’s not included.

3. Can't I just count everything to make it simpler?

Well, you could… but then that number won’t be right for things like selling your house because rules say garages don’t count toward your home’s size.

4. What if a room in my house used to be a garage and now it's a regular room?

Now that’s different! If you changed your garage into a living area – like an extra room – this new space may indeed add to your home’s total square feet.

5. Why isn't my 400-square-foot garage part of my home size when calculating?

Think about it: A 624-square-foot or even smaller 240-square-foot area with no heating or cooling? That doesn’t feel like part of what makes up a comfortable home.

6. So, every time someone talks about their house size, should I ask if they're including their big ol' garage?

Yes! You got it — always check if they’re mixing up stuff; knowing exact square footage without any confusion helps keep everyone on the same page.
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